Associate Member Appreciation Month Spotlight: Marty Tuning, RSM US

Today is the last day of Associate Member Appreciation Month, but then, we always appreciate our Associate members! To close out, we did a Q&A with Marty Tuning of RSM US who has been treasurer of The Greater Iowa City Area HBA since about 1980. We appreciate his service to the board and our organization.

Q:  How and when did you first get involved with the the Iowa City Area HBA and who got you involved?
A:  I got involved in the HBA back in the 1980’s. I was asked to join the board back when Leonard Greenwood retired, and I have been involved ever since.

Q:  What do you get out of your membership for your business?
A:  I believe the greatest part of the membership is the personal relationships and friendships that you develop over time. All of the other benefits just seem naturally stem from that.

Q: What does it mean to you to be a part of creating the American dream for homeowners?
A:  What I love about being a part of this organization is seeing how builders, contractors and associates all work together for the common goal of creating that American dream. They may be competitors out in the marketplace, but it’s really amazing how they all really work together to provide the best for this industry and the consumer.

Q: What are the extras you get out of your membership you didn’t realize you’d get?
A: Again, I think the personal relationships and friendships that you develop as an active member is really what makes this a great organization to be a part of.  This is a great community we live in and to be actively involved in this organization for the benefit of the overall community is very rewarding.

Marty Tuning, RSM US