House Passes Regulatory Reform Bills

House Passes Regulatory Reform Bills

Filed in Capitol Hill, Codes and Regulations by on January 6, 2017 0 Comments

The House this week passed two NAHB-supported regulatory relief bills that would help ensure that all federal regulations are carefully designed to achieve their intended benefits while minimizing the regulatory burdens on small business.

On Jan. 4, the House approved H.R. 21, the Midnight Rules Relief Act of 2017, legislation that would allow Congress to examine under the Congressional Review Act multiple regulations pushed through by an outgoing administration.

The next day, the chamber approved H.R. 26, the Regulations from the Executive in Need of Scrutiny Act of 2017 (REINS Act), legislation that would require Congress to approve all federal agency regulations that have an annual economic impact of $100 million or more.

Prior to the vote on the regulatory reform measures, NAHB sent a letter to lawmakers stating that the association considers support of the two bills a “key vote” given their importance to the housing industry.

“These important pieces of legislation would restore integrity and strong congressional oversight to the federal rulemaking process,” the NAHB letter said.

“NAHB commends the House for moving quickly to address regulatory burdens facing home building firms and other small businesses,” added NAHB Chairman Ed Brady. “Home building is one of the most regulated industries in America. Indeed, government regulations account for nearly 25% of the cost of a new single-family home.

“By moving decisively to pass the REINS Act and the Midnight Rules Relief Act, the House is sending a strong message that Congress should exercise its oversight to ensure that regulations must be subject to greater public scrutiny, based on sound science and undertaken only after a careful consideration of the costs and benefits. We urge the Senate to follow suit and swiftly pass these bills.”